Now From Here is a loosely organized, all-volunteer group of women, who plan and coordinate monthly social events and activities based on members' interests. 

What we are NOT:

1. A business leads group – although members often do business with each other.

2. A political action group – although many members are politically active.

3. A non-profit organization or fundraising group – although many members volunteer with non-profits and members are often invited to events which they can choose to attend.

4. Strictly a newcomers’ group – while we actively reach out to women who are new to the area, we are open to women who want to meet other engaging women for a variety of activities.

We welcome new members at any time of the year! 

About Membership

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How did Now From Here start?

Founded in 2012, by a few friends who had moved to Santa Cruz from a variety of places who “just wanted to have lunch." The small group rapidly found there were a lot of other women who wanted to do the same. So the growing once-a-month lunch group named themselves "NOT from Here" because conversations often reflected on how things in Santa Cruz were different from the former places members lived. 

After the group surpassed 100+ members and by this time the original members had been here awhile, the group decided to change the name to reflect being "Now From Here". The larger growing membership also meant more administrative tasks needed to be attended to for the sustainability of the group so a  Steering Committee was formed. This committee of volunteers help guide and support NFH activities and recruit other members to help plan the social events. 

Who can become a member? And how do I join? 

We welcome all women who live in Santa Cruz County to join us. There are no other requirements or dues,  just a desire to have fun, connect, and engage in interesting conversations. To join, simply complete our new member form. Within a week of receiving your form, you will receive a welcome letter and announcements about upcoming events.

How is my contact info shared?

We absolutely DO NOT SHARE or sell our membership list outside of the NFH group. Your contact information is only used to communicate about NFH activities and events. We encourage members with similar interests to reach out to one another but not use the membership list to personally advertise, engage in political activities or share the list broadly with anyone outside the NFH membership. 

How do I get removed from the membership list?

It's easy,  just send your request to nowfromhere@gmail.com and ask to be taken off the list. 

About Events

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Can I bring a guest to a NFH event?

Unless stated in the invitation that it is a member only event, you are always welcome to bring a guest. Although we are a women's group, we do occasionally host co-ed events. However all guests do need to be registered so the host can plan accordingly. 

What do I do if I have an idea for a NFH event?

The Steering Committee is happy to entertain event suggestions that members have and want to organize. As an all volunteer group, the only way NFH can sustain itself is through members volunteering to help organize events and activities. Here are the steps to take:

About Facebook 

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Does NFH have a Facebook page and how do I join?

Yes, we do have a Facebook page. Once you become a NFH member, go to the private Facebook group page, https://www.facebook.com/groups/501444913274380 and follow the prompts to join.

Who can post on the NFH private group Facebook page?

All members can post events and activities on our private group Facebook page. In fact, we encourage members to post regularly with pictures from our events. Members can also post other non-NFH events that you believe would be of interest to other NFH members, particularly non-profit events. We also request you only post the event once and not multiple times on the page.

About the Steering Committee

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How does one join the NFH Steering Committee? 

Our Steering Committee is comprised of 10-12  members who help organize the work and communicate with the membership. At times we have opening as members move or no longer want to serve. If you are interested in joining the Steering Committee, please reach out to nowfromhere@gmail.com. We can let you know if there are openings.  

How do I find out about scheduled NFH activities?

Once you complete the New Member Form, you will be added to our email list and receive a personal invitation to a NFH sponsored events. You can reply directly to that invitation. 

In addition, the home page of our website can be accessed at anytime to see the calendar of upcoming events and links to RSVP as well.